I quote one man saying....
"Youth has no age..."
In fact that is true but is it true today?....
That quote was said by a man by the name of Pablo Piccaso...great man no doubt...but things have changed so much haven't they.
It's been a while since i wrote a decent blog the last three have been pretty woeful. Pretty much self explainitory(if thats how its spelt!!!). The last one sorta set the mood this September, wells its my topic for tonight and that is depression.
Scary thought if you didn't know 1 of every 4 people in Australia have depression...and the thing is you either know someone who has it or even don't know you have it.
Depression is supposedly quite normal as a down stage, or downtime if you could say, most people try to find a way to go around it or talk about. But when you talk to someone that is depressed the thing is that you have no idea what the person is feeling unless you have ever felt it. Cause in the end depression is like disease, and that in the end a person may not remember the moment...you only remember how it felt.
And i guess people need to understand thats how life and we as humans think....we FEEL. Back to the point i was making at the start...youth has no age...sorry picasso but seems to be different today..more and more i see people to grow up so early and so quickly and too the point where they can lose sight of where they are. Including myself, maybe I am too depressed and from what reason im still trying to put my finger on it but i just can't. I guess growing up is 50/50 most of the time well how am i to know.
All i can say is this, if you got a problem just talk to someone, anyone...because keeping it in will just eat away at you and you might end up depressed and end up on prescribed drugs. Not poking fun at people who are on it...but really just be careful about things, like what you say about someone, think before you act.
People say we learn alot from history the funny thing is do we learn from it? I leave that up to you to answer.
Note: Hope this ends my bad streak of bad blogging
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