Tuesday, December 05, 2006



What do you expect from yourself?

Do you know what you're capable of...do you even know what to expect to come 5 years from now, next year or even the next day!!!

Just been wondering this week...i reckon we expect too much of ourselves...that what i reckon, there's this unrelenting pressure for us to perform. You can see it in the older generations eyes without even saying a word...YOU know that look, when they say:
The future is now in your hands...you better not stuff it up..

Sadly I see alot of people under pressure including myself. Well I cant really blame anyone for it because its a part of natural life that has come only recently since MAN!!! and WOMEN for that matter have become more aware of the mind and its many facets.

Hearing from people, as well as my usually observations of other people's lives have showed me that...expectation is everything...we have to be prepared for the 'real world'...school reminds us, then friends remind us that...'friends will stick together', lovers remind us 'we expect to last cause you are my bestfriend'...with so much on young peoples minds today, with today's pressure its almost impossible for simple minded person to survive in society where expectations are very great than what they seem to be.

Expectation is something we try and not brag about too much...for the ones that do, they get burnt up by others pretty badly...but surprising only in a suttle way...we'd rather instead see people like that, face the mistakes and take the consequences rather than stopping them..or try to change them.

Really the expectation we have for ourselves, for others and for every part of life...comes from one place..and thats ourselves...all the experiences, all the good and bad...that help make us, make our own minds and shape our opinions.

To finish...in my own little world my expectations are quite high...and I know that as well as the expectations by others...which is why i tend to be slightly HARD on myself..which i can't help doing because of that past of mine which i remind myself when i start to dwindle or wander.

But really expectations...precede us..somehow i believe expectation hold us back more than anything else at most.

For all you people looking for love, take this piece of advice,
The person we expect to be with...will be the one we least expect...

Don't let life lead you, you have to lead your own life..not matter the things that will happen...assume nothing...expect anything...lolz stole that from Big Brother..but yeah who will notice

Song of the Week
Ronan Keating-'When You Say Nothing At All'

My reason for this song...if you want the best representation of me...think me as the guy in this video..a guy you will watch the world...with a open mind...most of the time that is..hahaha..were not all perfect..


Peace Out

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