You got that in your head now?....Got it.
Now picture it side by side with your life. What is your ENDGAME? Where do you want to be? What will you be? Why is it so important to get there?
Every person has it, GUARANTEED!!! We all strive towards it, live and die by it in some cases. The very thought of that destination very much haunts us and wages it's own battle in our minds trying to make sense of it, trying to find the path not too traveled on, then the one we see.
It creates for us this slow shattering of self-expectation, that:
"I must do this or else....or I will not fail...what will others think of me...what...what will i do"
The to-ING and fro-ING of this expectation whether generated in self or from externally it exists too. Intertwining with that picture of the endgame, complete messing your moods whether its a small win, or a road bump, it makes you succumb to it.
In others, that endgame doesn't even exist, hence the term 'lost souls'...get spoken around the water cooler. Some even may have got there and realized that it isn't all what it was cracked up to be.
The reason why I writing this is because I know too many people who are tortured and praised by this endgame, that I just wanted to share my view of it.
In my own way, this endgame or what drives life in the directions it takes good or bad it just is.